Friday, July 16, 2010

no more excuses

I’m going to try a new approach to this blogging thing.  Here’s the thing: I have always felt like I have to write something profound or upload photos of something really cool that I’ve done in order for it to count as a worthy post.  But you see, I’m not all that profound, and I don’t do wildly incredible activities that merit blinding someone with the flash of my camera on a daily basis.  But I’m happy. Happier than I can remember being in quite some time in fact.  And I’ve decided to write about just that—what makes me happy.  As well as some things that make me unhappy of course, but inevitably contribute to my crazy good, happy life.  So here it is: I promise to just write what’s on my mind, or tell a funny story, or to take pictures of ordinary, but great things that occur on a typical or not so typical day.  Because really, I’m only doing myself a disservice by not documenting this adventure called life, and I prefer not to disservice anyone, especially myself.