Thursday, November 5, 2009


I need your help dear friends. I’ve desperately wanted a change lately…nothing too big, but just something. Whether that is simply a new, bright shade of lipstick, or dying my hair, or something else…I don’t know. Dying my hair is a big deal because I’m terrified of losing my natural color, but still think it could be fun! So, please send me suggestions, ideas, warnings, anything! See photo in my last post for current hair color/style and see picture below for color I might consider dying it to. Thanks lovely readers!


  1. I think you should try growing a mustache.

  2. what color would you dye it? i think your hair color is absolutely gorgeous, and i would kill for... BUT that being said, i love changing my hair color and it's fun to have different looks. i don't know, anything would look good on you, you're gorgeous!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'd go for a new hair color even though yours is just so gorgeous. It'll grow out though eventually. Or just go with highlights and see if you like that small change.

  5. I need a change too, but I've always been afraid of dying my hair. I have all these friends who don't even remember their natural color. And I'm so glad my mom wouldn't let me dye my hair red when I was in 5th grade. Looking back I can now see how that would've been a total disaster. Thank god for moms with foresight.

    I just bought my first tube of red lipstick, that's been a huge change coming from just chapstick, but I've been loving it!
